Seller Id:112542
Location:Kurukshetra 136118
Rating:5.0 / 5.0 (Total Ratings = 2)

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<p>DR&nbsp;tonic&nbsp;has been specially formulated for women to maintain their overall health and keep the reproductive organs strong and effectively functioning. The tonic uses various natural herbs, which regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce stomach pain and cramping. The tonic strengthens the uterus and also prevents uterine infections. It also promotes bone and muscle strength in women, reducing joint pain to a great extent. <strong>Prachi</strong>&nbsp;products&nbsp;do not compromise on quality and this tonic too is made with the most potent and purely natural herbs. The tonic is also highly beneficial for women who suffer from anaemia. Take the tonic regularly as prescribed by the doctor and see results in no time.</p><p>Benefits</p><ul> <li>The&nbsp;&nbsp;is <strong>Lady&nbsp;</strong><b>DR</b>&nbsp;an ayurvedic tonic for women's health.</li> <li>Maintains uterus health and reduces abdominal cramps during menstruation.</li> <li>Uses herbs like Ashok Chhal that fight gynaecological problems and maintain bone health.</li> <li>Helps combat anaemia and boosts stamina.</li> <li>Regulates menstrual cycle.</li> </ul><p><strong>Uses</strong></p><ul> <li>Helps regulate the menstrual cycle.</li> <li>Gives relief from symptoms of dysmenorrhea.</li> <li>Helps fight anaemia and gynaecological issues.</li> <li>Reduces pain of the joints by strengthening the bones and muscles of the body.</li> </ul><p>How to Use</p><ul> <li>Shake the bottle well before drinking.</li> <li>Take 15 ml to 30 ml two times every day.</li> <li>Consult your doctor for a dose that suits you.</li> </ul><p>Safety Information</p><ul> <li>Store in a cool and dry place.</li> <li>Keep away from sunlight.</li> <li>Do not use it if the seal is broken.</li> <li>Keep out of children’s reach.</li> <li>Read the label on the bottle carefully before use.</li> </ul>
₹ 120