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How to Maintain Hygiene In Summers?

Posted by Aveda61439 03/05/2022 0 Comment(s) Health and Wellness,
How to Maintain Hygiene In Summers?

Everyone talks about hygiene, but often people do not follow the rules related to it. Hygiene has a positive effect on health. Whether it is a matter of personal hygiene or cleanliness of the house. To ignore it means to feast on many diseases. People who are careful about hygiene, they are more healthy. They do not have any early infection nor any kind of allergy.Everyone talks about hygiene, but often people do not follow the rules related to it. Hygiene has a positive effect on health. Whether it is a matter of personal hygiene or cleanliness of the house. To ignore it means to feast on many diseases. People who are careful about hygiene, they are more healthy. They do not have any early infection nor any kind of allergy.

The deterioration and improvement of health is largely in your hands. Whatever the season, many harmful germs, bacteria thrive in every season, increasing the risk of getting cough, cold, flu, stomach and skin infections, conjunctivitis etc. In such a situation, by maintaining hygiene, you can keep yourself away from diseases. By doing this you can prevent 40 percent of germ related diseases. Along with your food in summer, take care of your living habits, cleanliness of the house. Personal hygiene includes the care of mouth, hair, nails and injuries, hand hygiene, bathing etc.

Sweating is more during the summer days. In this case, take a bath with disinfectant soap. This will not cause infection. If you go out of the house, keep hand sanitizer with you. Make sure to clean your hands before eating. Brush your teeth twice. Don't forget to rinse after eating.

Health, fitness and hygiene! These tips to stay healthy are of great use -

  • Like personal hygiene, food hygiene is also important. Keep food covered. Many diseases can be avoided by this. Wash fruits and green leafy vegetables thoroughly and cook them. Avoid eating outside. The danger of food poisoning is great in summer.
  • Teach children about the importance of hygiene as well. Make it a habit to include oral care, hand washing, toilet hygiene, hair care etc. in your daily routine. Talk to them about why cleanliness is important to stay healthy.
  • Women go to the beauty parlor. Before going there, consider the cleanliness of the beauty parlor. Using dirty, damp parlors, old products will increase your risk of getting many types of infections. Be sure to also check the cleanliness of beauty equipment.
  • Do not share makeup products with anyone. If the person in front will have a skin infection, then it can be passed on to you through that product. Check the expiry date of cosmetics, as they can be dangerous for the skin.
  • The cleanliness of the bathroom of the house should also be given the same attention as you give to yourself. Bathroom plays an important role in personal hygiene. In such a situation, if you do not pay attention to the cleanliness of the bathroom, infection can occur. Take care that there is no dampness in the bathroom. From time to time, thoroughly clean buckets, mugs, tubs, taps, showers, etc. Clean the toilet seat every week with toilet cleaner.

Keep in mind these things related to intimate hygiene in summer, otherwise there may be problems of irritation and infection Women are more worried especially in this season. Summer season is not a very good season from the point of view of health because many people these days have to face problems related to stomach etc. Women are especially worried in this season because due to excessive sweating, they often suffer from vaginal infections and they are not able to talk openly about it. In such a situation, it is very important to protect the skin from sweating and infection so that the problem of urinary tract infection, burning in urine etc. can get rid of painful problems.

  • Do not wear synthetic fabric There is a lot of sweating in the summer time. In such a situation, if due to being in the sun for a long time, sweating starts in the inner thighs, then change the innerwear. Innerwear should be such that its fabric is good. Do not wear synthetic fabrics as there is every possibility of itching and burning in this season. If you are drenched in sweat, come home immediately and take a bath and dry the part thoroughly.
  • Drink more water In this season, the body dehydrates very quickly, due to which the urinary tract becomes infected, so the effort should be to keep the urinary track clean and healthy, so drink more water so that all the toxins of the body are removed and the pH value of the body remains balanced. Is. Drinking more water does not cause problems like burning while urinating.
  • Take special care of hygiene. In winter, you may not have a strict attitude towards intimate hygiene, but in summer you should give special emphasis on it. If you have frequent sweating, then cleanse with herbal products three to four times a day. Whenever you go to urinate, wash that part with water. In this way you will also avoid infection.
  • Don't wear slim fit. Do not wear skin fit or slim fit clothes even in summer. Wearing them increases sweating and also restricts the movement of air, which causes irritation and friction in the skin. Wearing loose clothes also does not cause these problems and does not take too much heat. Wearing Salwar, Heram, Chaddha, Skirt etc. does not cause excessive sweating.

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