Seller Id:112058
Location:Mohali 160071
Rating:4.9 / 5.0 (Total Ratings = 147)

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<p>E-Worms Drops (AKG- 46) is a Homeopathic medicine for deworming individuals affected by various intestinal parasites, including Ascarides and Threadworms. This Homeopathic medicine effectively combats these parasites and provides relief from associated symptoms, promoting a healthier digestive system and overall well-being.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Eliminates Intestinal Parasites - E-Worms Drops target and eliminate common intestinal worms, including roundworms, pinworms, tapeworms, and hookworms. This Homeopathic medicine disrupts the life cycle of these parasites, gradually reducing their numbers and preventing their recurrence.<br /> <br /> • Alleviates Gastric Disturbances - In addition to deworming, E-Worms Drops provide relief from gastric disturbances commonly associated with worm infestations. Symptoms like motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and general indisposition can be effectively alleviated with the use of this medicine.<br /> <br /> • Prevents Reinfestation - E-Worms Drops not only eradicate existing worms but also help prevent reinfestation. This Homeopathic medicine reduces the likelihood of future worm infestations by strengthening the body's natural defenses and enhancing the immune system.<br /> <br /> • Suitable for All - E-Worms Drops can be safely used by anyone experiencing worm infestations, including children and adults. However, consulting with a qualified Homeopathic doctor is advisable, particularly in case of young children.<br /> <br /> • Complete &amp; Safe Solution - E-Worms Drops provide a complete and safe solution for deworming. Regular use, as directed, can help eliminate the parasites and restore optimal digestive health, ensuring a comfortable and healthy state.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>Cina 4X HPI 1.25<br /> Teucrium Marum Verum Q HPI 1.25<br /> Filix Mas 3X HPI 1.25<br /> Sabadilla 3X HPI 1.25</p><p><b>How to Use: </b></p><p>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Warts Drops (AKG-61) is an effective Homeopathic medicine for treating warts, a common skin condition caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It targets and eliminates warts, relieving their discomfort and helping restore the appearance of your skin.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Wart Removal - E-Warts Drops actively remove warts from various body parts, including hands, feet, face, and genital areas. The drops target the root cause of the warts, gradually reducing their size and promoting their complete disappearance.<br /> <br /> • Prevents Recurrence - E-Warts Drops not only help eliminate existing warts but also help prevent their recurrence. This Homeopathic medicine boosts the body's immune system, reducing the likelihood of new warts appearing in the future.<br /> <br /> • Rapid Results - With regular use, E-Warts Drops deliver rapid results in reducing the size and appearance of warts. The duration of treatment may vary depending on the size and severity of the warts, but consistent application can lead to significant improvement.<br /> <br /> • Non-Invasive &amp; Non-Scarring - Unlike other wart removal methods such as surgery or laser treatment, E-Warts Drops offer a non-invasive solution without the risk of scarring. It promotes gentle healing and skin restoration, leaving you with clear and healthy skin.<br /> <br /> • Safe - E-Warts Drops is free from harsh chemicals, making them safe for people with different skin types. It provides a gentle and non-invasive approach to wart removal without causing any harm to surrounding healthy skin.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>Antimonium Crudum 30C HPI 1.00<br /> Causticum Hahnemanni 6C HPI 2.00<br /> Dulcamara 4X HPI 2.00<br /> Natrum Sulphuricum 30C HPI 1.00<br /> Acidum Nitricum 3X HPI 2.00<br /> Staphysgaria 6X HPI 1.00<br /> Thuja Occidentalis 2X HPI 1.00</p><p><b>How to Use: </b></p><p>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Viralim Drops (AKG-67) is a Homeopathic medicine formulated to combat viral infections and relieve their symptoms. Whether you're experiencing a common cold, cough, sneezing, fever, body pain, headache, or general malaise, E-Viralim Drops can be your trusted companion in fighting off these viral invaders.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Broad-Spectrum Antiviral Action - This Homeopathic medicine targets various viruses, including common viral infections like the flu, common cold, herpes, and respiratory viruses. It helps inhibit the replication and spread of viruses, reducing the duration and severity of symptoms.<br /> <br /> • Symptomatic Relief - E-Viralim Drops help alleviate the various symptoms of viral infections. Whether it's a runny nose, persistent cough, or body aches, this medicine aims to provide effective and lasting relief.<br /> <br /> • Enhance Immune Function - This Homeopathic medicine strengthens your immune system, which plays a crucial role in fighting off viral infections. By enhancing your body's natural defenses, E-Viralim Drops help prevent future infections and promote overall immune health.<br /> <br /> • Preventive Support - E-Viralim Drops can be used as a preventive measure to enhance your body's resistance against viral infections. Regular use help reduce the frequency and severity of viral attacks, promoting overall well-being.<br /> <br /> • Non-Drowsy &amp; Non-Addictive - Unlike many conventional medications, E-Viralim Drops is non-drowsy and non-addictive. You can use them without worrying about sedation or dependency, allowing you to carry on with your daily activities.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>Arsenicum Album 30 Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Acidum Phosphoricum 30 Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Aconitum Napellus 30 Hpi 6x 5%V/V<br /> Belladonna 6x Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Calcarea Carbonica 30 Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Carica Papaya 200 Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Eupatorium Perfoliatum 3x Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Gelsemium 30 Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Lycopodium 3x Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Rhustox 30 Hpi 5%V/V<br /> Purified Water To Make 100%<br /> Alcohol Content 40%V/V</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><strong>Excel Pharma E-Vet Tone E-Vet No. 21 Syrup 450ml</strong></span></span></p><p>E-Vet Tone Syrup (E-VET NO. 21) is a Homeopathic medicine for animals, including cattle, poultry birds, and pets. This powerful Homeopathic remedy is designed to address nutrient deficiency diseases, support digestion, and enhance food assimilation, ensuring the overall well-being of your animals.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Nutrient Deficiency Treatment - E-Vet Tone Syrup effectively treats nutrient deficiency diseases in animals. It provides a rich source of essential nutrients and minerals that may be lacking in their diet, helping to restore proper nutrient levels and prevent associated health issues.<br /> <br /> • Improved Digestion - By supporting the digestive system, E-Vet Tone Syrup promotes optimal digestion in animals. It helps regulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, enhances nutrient absorption, and facilitates the breakdown of food, leading to improved digestion and nutrient assimilation.<br /> <br /> • Appetite Stimulation - This syrup helps stimulate the appetite in animals, ensuring they consume an adequate amount of food. It is particularly beneficial for animals with a reduced appetite, as it helps restore their desire to eat and supports proper nourishment.<br /> <br /> • Enhanced Strength &amp; Vitality - E-Vet Tone Syrup addresses problems like loss of appetite and weakness in animals, promoting healthy development and overall strength. It also boosts essential nutrients and minerals, helping animals regain vitality and energy.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>Alfafa 3X 6%<br /> Calcarea Water 6 6%<br /> In Purified Water Q.S<br /> Alcohol Contents 12%V/V</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> 20 Drops daily on a piece of roti 3 times a day 1 hour before or after meals.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 170 ₹ 161
<p>E-UTI Drops (AKG-55) is a Homeopathic medicine to address urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTIs are common bacterial infections that can cause discomfort, pain, and inconvenience. E-UTI Drops offer a holistic approach to alleviate the symptoms and promote urinary tract health.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • UTI Symptom Relief - E-UTI Drops work to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms associated with UTIs, such as a burning sensation during urination, frequent urge to urinate, cloudy or foul-smelling urine, and lower abdominal pain. It provides soothing relief and helps restore comfort.<br /> <br /> • Antibacterial Action - This Homeopathic medicine contains antibacterial properties that can help fight the underlying infection causing the UTI. It aids in eliminating harmful bacteria from the urinary tract and supports the body's natural defense mechanisms.<br /> <br /> • Urinary Tract Health - E-UTI Drops promote overall urinary tract health by reducing inflammation, supporting proper urine flow, and helping to maintain a healthy balance of microorganisms in the urinary system. It aids in preventing the recurrence of UTIs and maintaining optimal urinary health.<br /> <br /> • Gentle &amp; Safe - E-UTI Drops is a safe and gentle option, suitable for individuals of all ages, including children and the elderly. It does not cause any known side effects or dependency.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>Berberis vulgaris 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Chimaphila Umbellata 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Cantharis 6X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Epigea repens 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Eucalyptus Globulus 6X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Ocimum Canum 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Sarsaparilla 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Terebinthinae Oleum 6X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> UVA URSI 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Hydrangea Arborescenes 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Solidago Virgaurea 3X HPI 5%V/V<br /> Excipients 5%V/V</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Uterus Drops (E-VET NO. 14) is a Homeopathic medicine formulated to address various conditions related to cattle's uterus and endometrial layers. It also offers comprehensive support in preventing and treating inflammation of the uterus and endometrium.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Uterine Health - E-Uterus Drops maintain the uterus's overall health by reducing inflammation and promoting proper functioning. By addressing inflammation, this Homeopathic medicine helps prevent the build-up of catarrhal material, pus, or mucopurulent creamy discharge, which can cause discomfort and lead to complications.<br /> <br /> • Uterine Cleansing - After calving, it is common for cattle to have remnants of micro-organisms and placental debris in the uterus. E-Uterus Drops aid in clearing the uterus of these unwanted materials, promoting a clean and healthy environment. This cleansing action supports the recovery process and helps prevent potential infections.<br /> <br /> • Fertility Restoration - Uterine health plays a crucial role in fertility and reproductive capabilities in cattle. E-Uterus Drops restore fertility by addressing inflammation, clearing the uterus, and promoting a favorable environment for conception. By improving uterine health, these drops can positively impact fertility rates and enhance the chances of successful reproduction.<br /> <br /> • Milk Yield Improvement - In addition to its effects on fertility, E-Uterus Drops are also known to impact milk yield in cattle positively. By supporting the health of the uterus and reproductive system, this Homeopathic medicine can contribute to overall lactation performance, leading to improved milk production.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>AMICA M. 30<br /> CALC. SULPH. 30<br /> CALENDULA OFF 30</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> 20 Drops daily on a piece of roti 3 times a day one hour before or after meals.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 120 ₹ 114
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Excel Pharma E-Uric Acid Tablets AKG-74 (25g)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">E-Uric Acid Tablets may offer superior relief in high uric acid problems. It may help normalize the elevated uric and prevent further complications like gout. It may also effectively treat other arthritic complications, like inflammation of the small joints. Besides arthritic complications, E-Uric Acid tablets may also be highly effective in treating kidney problems and cardiovascular problems like hypertension.</span></p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142

E-Uric Acid Drops (AKG-27) is a Homeopathic medicine to treat elevated uric acid and help normalize serum uric acid levels. It also helps prevent the new onset and progression of hypertension in high-risk patients.

Key Features and Benefits:

• Uric Acid Regulation - E-Uric Acid Drops regulate and maintain healthy uric acid levels in the body. By supporting the body's natural mechanisms, it helps prevent the accumulation of excess uric acid and reduces the risk of related complications.

• Alleviation of Gout Symptoms - Gout is a painful condition caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. This Homeopathic medicine helps relieve gout symptoms, including joint pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness, promoting comfort and mobility.

• Joint Health & Flexibility - E-Uric Acid Drops support overall joint health by reducing inflammation and improving joint flexibility. It helps alleviate stiffness, promote joint lubrication, and enhance overall joint function.

• Kidney Support - High uric acid levels can strain the kidneys and potentially lead to kidney stones or other kidney-related problems. E-Uric Acid Drops aid in maintaining optimal kidney function, promoting proper filtration, and eliminating uric acid from the body.

• Prevention of Recurrence - By addressing the root causes of elevated uric acid levels, E-Uric Acid Drops help prevent the recurrence of gout attacks and other uric acid-related conditions. It provides a comprehensive solution for long-term management and prevention.



How to Use:

Adults – 15-20 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.
or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.

Important Information: Shake well before use
keep in cool and dry place

₹ 160 ₹ 152
<p>E-Tumour Drops (AKG-54) is a highly effective Homeopathic remedy for the treatment of both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors. This unique formulation is designed to control tumors' growth and progression while aiding in their removal. Whether dealing with lipomatous nodules, moving nodules, or cancer pains, E-Tumour Drops may offer great results.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Lipoma Treatment - Lipomatous nodules, characterized by soft or doughy mass, can cause discomfort and affect mobility. E-Tumour Drops is beneficial in treating such nodules. With regular use, it can help reduce the size and discomfort associated with lipomatous nodules, improving the quality of life for those affected.<br /> <br /> • Removal of Existing Tumors - E-Tumour Drops not only help control tumor growth but also aid in removing existing tumors. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to tumor development, this medicine supports the body's natural healing processes and may assist in gradually eliminating tumors.<br /> <br /> • Effective Pain Relief - Cancerous tumors can be very painful and debilitating. E-Tumour Drops is found to offer relief from cancer pains in many patients. It provides a natural alternative to conventional pain management methods.<br /> <br /> • Gentle &amp; Safe - E-Tumour Drops offer a safe and gentle approach to tumor treatment, reducing the risk of adverse side effects. This medicine can be used alongside conventional treatments to complement the ongoing treatment/therapy.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>Conium Maculatum 4X HPI 2.0<br /> Arsenicum Iodatum 6X HPI 1.0<br /> Carbo Animails 3X HPI 1.0 mg<br /> Clematis erecta 3X HPI 2.0<br /> Galium Aparine 6X HPI 1.0<br /> Hydrastis Canadensis 2X HPI 2.0<br /> Phytolacca Decandra 3X HPI 1.0<br /> Alcohol Content 65%V/V</p><p><b>How to Use: </b></p><p>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Excel Pharma E-Tonsil Tablets AKG-81 (25g)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">E-Tonsil Tablets (AKG-81) may provide greater relief in tonsillitis. It may be one of the best Homeopathic medicines for children and adults suffering from infection of tonsils. It may be especially beneficial in treating symptoms like swelling and inflammation in the uvula, tonsils, as well as middle ear. It may also effectively alleviate fever caused by tonsillitis in children with weak immunity.</span></p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Tonsil Drops (AKG-26) is a Homeopathic medicine formulated to address various problems related to the tonsils. Whether you're dealing with recurrent tonsillitis, enlarged tonsils, or discomfort caused by tonsil inflammation, E-Tonsil Drops can provide relief and promote overall tonsil health.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Tonsillitis Relief - E-Tonsil Drops target the underlying causes of tonsillitis, offering effective relief from inflammation, swelling, and associated symptoms such as pain &amp; fever.<br /> <br /> • Soothing Inflammation - The potent ingredients in E-Tonsil Drops work synergistically to reduce inflammation in the uvula, tonsils, and middle ear.<br /> <br /> • Reduces Tonsil Enlargement - Enlarged tonsils can cause breathing difficulties, snoring, and disrupted sleep patterns. E-Tonsil Drops help reduce the size of the tonsils, improving airflow and promoting better breathing during sleep.<br /> <br /> • Immune System Support - Strengthen your immune system with E-Tonsil Drops. It helps enhance your body's natural defense mechanisms, allowing you to combat tonsillitis more effectively and prevent future occurrences.<br /> <br /> • Suitable for All Ages - Whether it's your child or yourself suffering from tonsillitis, E-Tonsil Drops is a safe and effective solution for everyone. Its gentle formulation ensures people of all ages can use it without any concerns.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>ATROPINUM 6C HPI 0.714<br /> MERCURIUS IODATUS FLAVUS 6C HPI 0.714<br /> MERCURIUS IODATUS RUBRUM 6C HPI 0.714<br /> HEPAR SULPHUR 6C HPI 0.714<br /> KALIUM BICHROMICUM 6C HPI 0.714<br /> BARYTA CARBONICA 6C HPI 0.715<br /> PHYTOLACCA 6C HPI 0.715</p><p><b>How to Use: </b></p><p>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Tick Drops (E-VET NO. 17) is a Homeopathic medicine that relieves parasitic infestations such as ticks, fleas, and lice in cattle &amp; pets. It also helps protect animals from the discomfort caused by these parasites and prevent them from frequently scratching themselves, which can lead to suppurating wounds and subsequent skin infections.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Itch Relief - Ticks, fleas, and lice infestations can cause intense itching in animals, leading to continuous scratching. This can result in open wounds and secondary skin infections. E-Tick Drops help alleviate itching, reducing the urge to scratch and minimizing the risk of skin damage and infections.<br /> <br /> • Skin Health - Parasitic infestations can negatively impact animals' skin health, leading to unhealthy skin, poor digestion, a weak physique, and loss of body hair and therefore a dull coat. E-Tick Drops promote healthy skin by addressing the underlying causes and improving overall skin health. This enhances the animal's overall appearance and well-being.<br /> <br /> • Holistic &amp; Safe - E-Tick Drops offer a holistic approach to addressing parasitic infestations, providing relief without the use of harsh chemicals or synthetic additives. The drops are safe to use for cattle, poultry, birds, and pets.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>Sulphur-200 1.25 ml<br /> Arsenic album-200 1.25 ml<br /> Psorinum -200 1.25 ml<br /> Mercurius cor -200 1.25 ml</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> 20 Drops daily on a piece of roti 3 times a day one hour before or after meals.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 120 ₹ 114
<p>E-Thyroide Drops (AKG-53) is a Homeopathic medicine formulated to support and balance thyroid function. This unique blend of natural ingredients addresses various thyroid disorders and promotes overall thyroid health.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Thyroid Function Support - E-Thyroide Drops help restore and maintain optimal thyroid function. It also helps alleviate symptoms associated with thyroid diseases, such as uncontrolled weight gain, poor bone health, fatigue, and lack of vital energy.<br /> <br /> • Hormonal Balance - Imbalances in thyroid hormones can disrupt the body's overall hormonal equilibrium. E-Thyroide Drops restore hormonal balance, promoting optimal functioning of the endocrine system and overall well-being.<br /> <br /> • Weight Management - Thyroid disorders can lead to unexplained weight gain or difficulty in losing weight. E-Thyroide Drops help regulate metabolism and support healthy weight management, aiding in achieving and maintaining healthy body weight.<br /> <br /> • Energy &amp; Vitality - Fatigue and lack of energy are common symptoms of thyroid disorders. E-Thyroide Drops help combat fatigue, providing a natural energy boost and promoting greater vitality and well-being.<br /> <br /> • Bone Health - Thyroid hormones are crucial in maintaining healthy bone density. E-Thyroide Drops help improves bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis associated with thyroid disease.<br /> <br /> • Strengthen Immune System - The thyroid gland is critical to immune function. E-Thyroide Drops support a healthy immune response, helping to enhance the body's defense mechanisms and overall immune system function.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>Atropinum 3x HPI 10%V/V<br /> Hekla Lava 12x HPI 10%V/V<br /> Iodium 30X HPI 10%V/V<br /> Spongia Tosta 12X HPI 10%V/V<br /> Bromium 12XHPI 10%V/V<br /> Natrum Muriaticum 30 XHPI 10%V/V<br /> Excipients qs<br /> Alcohol Content 55%V/V</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Excel Pharma E-Throat Tablets AKG-80 (25g)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">E-Throat Tablets is among the best Homeopathic medicines for various throat irritations. This Homeopathic remedy effectively addresses issues like sore throat, hoarseness, congestion, and localized throat infections. With their gentle and non-invasive approach, E-Throat Tablets are suitable for all ages. Say goodbye to throat discomfort and hello to comfort and ease with these convenient &amp; holistic tablets.</span></p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Spondilitic Drops (AKG-24) is a Homeopathic medicine formulated to address the symptoms and discomfort associated with spondylitis. This potent blend of natural ingredients effectively relieves pain, inflammation, stiffness, and immobility caused by this condition, promoting better mobility and improved quality of life.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Pain Relief - E-Spondilitic Drops provide long-lasting relief from the intense pain associated with spondylitis. Its potent ingredients work synergistically to alleviate pain and discomfort, allowing you to move freely and without hindrance.<br /> <br /> • Reduce Inflammation - Inflammation is the main factor behind spondylitis, causing swelling, redness, and tenderness in the affected areas. E-Spondilitic Drops contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation, providing much-needed relief and restoring normal function.<br /> <br /> • Increase Mobility - Stiffness and limited range of motion are common challenges individuals with spondylitis face. E-Spondilitic Drops help improve flexibility and mobility, allowing you to perform daily activities with greater ease and comfort.<br /> <br /> • Improve Joint Function - By targeting the underlying causes of spondylitis, E-Spondilitic Drops help restore proper joint function. It supports the health of the spinal joints, reduces joint degeneration, and helps maintain their structural integrity.<br /> <br /> • Support Connective Tissues - Spondylitis can affect the connective tissues in the spine, leading to discomfort and compromised movement. E-Spondilitic Drops contain ingredients that support the health and strength of connective tissues, promoting their repair and rejuvenation.<br /> <br /> • Holistic Approach - E-Spondilitic Drops take a holistic approach to spondylitis management, considering the individual's overall well-being. It addresses not only the physical symptoms but also helps alleviate associated emotional stress, promoting a sense of balance and harmony.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>COLOCYNTHIS VULGARIS 3X HPI 1<br /> RUTA GRAVEOLENS 3X HPI 1<br /> HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 5X HPI 1<br /> LEDUM PALUSTRE 2X HPI 2<br /> CUPRUM METALLICUM 30C HPI 2<br /> DULCAMARA 30C HPI 2<br /> CONIUM MACULATUM 3X HPI 1<br /> ALCOHOL CONTENT 60%v/v</p><p><b>How to Use:</b></p><p>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Slim Drops (AKG-23) is a Homeopathic medicine to support your weight management journey in a safe and effective manner. With its unique blend of natural ingredients, E-Slim Drops helps boost metabolism, control appetite, and promote fat burning, making it an ideal choice for individuals looking to achieve their weight loss goals.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Metabolism Boost - E-Slim Drops enhance your body's metabolism, helping to increase the rate at which you burn calories. This can contribute to more efficient weight loss and improved energy levels.<br /> <br /> • Appetite Control - Say goodbye to overeating and unhealthy cravings with E-Slim Drops. This potent formula helps curb your cravings, making it easier to stick to a balanced and nutritious diet.<br /> <br /> • Fat Burning Support - E-Slim Drops promote the breakdown of stored fat, allowing your body to utilize it as an energy source. By targeting stubborn fat deposits, it helps you achieve a leaner and more toned physique.<br /> <br /> • Hormonal Balance - Hormonal imbalances can contribute to weight gain and make it difficult to shed excess pounds. E-Slim Drops help restore hormonal equilibrium, optimizing your body's natural weight management processes.<br /> <br /> • Body Composition Support - E-Slim Drops not only help you lose weight but also promote a healthy body composition. It aids in preserving lean muscle mass while targeting fat stores, ensuring that your weight loss is sustainable and healthy.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>CALCAREA CARBONICA 6X HPI 5%V/V<br /> THYROIDINUM 6C HPI 5%V/V<br /> FUCUS VESICULOSIS Q HPI 40%V/V<br /> PHYTOLACCA BERRY Q HPI 40%V/V<br /> EXCIPIENTS q.s.<br /> ALCOHOL CONTENT 60%v/v</p><p><b>How to Use: </b></p><p>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Excel Pharma E-Sleep AKG-87 30ml</strong></span></p><p>May be helpful in Insomnia (sleeplessness) associated with headache, fatigue, drowsiness and may relieve conditions related to work load and modern lifestyle.</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong>Excel Pharma E-Skin Tablets AKG-82 (25g)</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">E-Skin Tablets may be an excellent Homeopathic medicine, addressing a wide array of skin issues, from acne and pimples to scars, eczema, and more. These tablets work diligently to eliminate black spots and boils, promoting a clearer complexion. E-Skin Tablets also effectively relieve conditions like urticarial rashes, psoriasis, and allergic reactions. Beyond skin troubles, they contribute to detoxifying the body, ensuring a healthy, radiant complexion by eliminating harmful toxins.</span></p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Skin Drops (E-VET NO. 18) is a Homeopathic medicine to address various skin problems in cattle &amp; pets. It effectively relieves dry skin conditions, itching, boils, hair fall, suppuration of wounds, and many other skin issues. With its unique composition, E-Skin Drops help improve animals' overall health and well-being, preventing them from continuously scratching themselves and reducing the risk of wounds and secondary skin infections.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Boils Treatment - Boils can be painful and affect the animal's overall well-being. E-Skin Drops contain ingredients known for their antibacterial properties, which help treat boils and promote faster healing. The drops help reduce inflammation, prevent secondary infections, and support the body's natural healing process.<br /> <br /> • Hair Fall Control – An excessive shedding of the hair in animals can be a common concern among the owners. E-Skin Drops help address this issue by nourishing the hair follicles and promoting healthy hair growth. This Homeopathic medicine improves the overall condition of the skin and hair/fur coat, resulting in reduced hair fall and a lustrous, healthy coat.<br /> <br /> • Wound Healing Support - Animals may suffer from wounds due to various reasons, including injuries or skin infections. E-Skin Drops aid in the healing process by promoting tissue regeneration and preventing the spread of infection. The drops help reduce the suppuration of wounds, minimize inflammation, and accelerate the healing of the affected areas.<br /> <br /> • Safe - E-Skin Drops is free from harmful chemicals, steroids, and artificial additives, making them safe for cattle, poultry, birds, and pets.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>Sulphur 200 HPI<br /> Thuja 30 HPI<br /> Graphite 200 HPI<br /> Psorinum 200 HPI<br /> Ferum phos 30 HPI</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> 20 drops daily on a piece of roti 3 times a day one hour before or after meals.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 120 ₹ 114

Experience the transformative power of E-Skin Drops (AKG-22), a remarkable Homeopathic solution for healthier, radiant skin. It addresses various skin concerns and promotes clear & beautiful skin. With its unique blend of potent ingredients, E-Skin Drops can help rejuvenate and revitalize your skin, leaving you with a youthful glow and renewed confidence.

Key Features and Benefits:

• Acne & Pimple Treatment - E-Skin Drops effectively target acne and pimples, helping to reduce inflammation, control excess oil production, and promote a clearer complexion. Say goodbye to stubborn breakouts and hello to smoother, blemish-free skin.

• Scar Reduction - Whether you have acne scars, surgical scars, or scars from injuries, E-Skin Drops help vanish them. Moreover, it aids in the healing process, reducing the visibility of scars and improving the skin texture.

• Eczema Relief - E-Skin Drops provide much-needed relief for individuals suffering from eczema. It helps soothe itchy, inflamed skin, reducing redness & irritation. Say goodbye to the discomfort of eczema and enjoy calmer, more balanced skin.

• Urticarial Rash and Allergy Treatment - E-Skin Drops effectively target urticarial rashes, allergic reactions, and skin irritations. It helps alleviate itching, redness, and discomfort, providing much-needed relief and restoring the health of your skin.

• Psoriasis Management - If you're dealing with psoriasis, E-Skin Drops can be your ally. This Homeopathic medicine helps manage psoriasis symptoms, reducing inflammation, scaling, and itching, allowing you to regain control over your skin health.

• Detoxification and Skin Health - E-Skin Drops aid in purifying the body of harmful toxins, supporting overall skin health. By promoting internal detoxification, it helps reduce the occurrence of skin problems and maintains a clear and vibrant complexion.



Adults – 15-20 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.
Children – 10-15 drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.
or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.

Important Information: Shake well before use
keep in cool and dry place

₹ 160 ₹ 152
<p>Say goodbye to sinus congestion and embrace clear, unobstructed breathing with E-Sinus Drops (AKG-21). This Homeopathic remedy targets sinusitis symptoms and provides effective relief. Experience the relief, soothing comfort and relief from sinus pressure, congestion, and inflammation, allowing you to breathe freely and enjoy life to the fullest.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Targeted Relief - Whether you're experiencing nasal congestion, sinus pressure, sinus headaches, or facial pain, this Homeopathic medicine aims to provide targeted relief.<br /> <br /> • Clears Nasal Passages - E-Sinus Drops work to clear the nasal passages, reducing congestion and promoting proper airflow. This helps relieve sinus pressure and discomfort, allowing you to breathe easier and find relief from sinus-related symptoms.<br /> <br /> • Reduces Inflammation - Sinusitis involves inflammation of the sinus tissues, leading to swelling &amp; discomfort. E-Sinus Drops contain natural anti-inflammatory agents that help reduce inflammation, ease sinus pressure and promote healing.<br /> <br /> • Soothes Irritation - The Homeopathic ingredients in E-Sinus Drops have soothing properties that help calm irritated sinus tissues. This remedy relieves sinus discomfort and pain by reducing irritation and inflammation.<br /> <br /> • Supports Sinus Health - Regular use of E-Sinus Drops can help support sinus health and prevent recurrent sinus infections. By promoting proper drainage and reducing inflammation, it aids in maintaining clear and healthy sinus passages.<br /> <br /> • Safe and Non-Drowsy - E-Sinus Drops is a safe and non-drowsy solution for sinus congestion. Unlike over-the-counter medications, it does not cause drowsiness, allowing you to go about your day without feeling sleepy or lethargic.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>CISTUS CANADENSIS 3X HPI 1.<br /> MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS 4X HPI 1.<br /> VINCA MIONR 3X HPI 1.<br /> VERONICA OFFICINALIS 5X HPI 1.<br /> MERCURIUS BIN-IODIDE 6C HPI 1.<br /> LEMNA MINOR 3X HPI 1.<br /> CINNABARIS 30C HPI 1.<br /> PHOSPHORUS 3X HPI 1.<br /> KALIUM BICHROMICUM 200C HPI 1.<br /> HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 4X HPI 1.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b></p><p>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 15-20 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – 10-15 Drops in half cup of water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 150 ₹ 142
<p>E-Rheum Syrup (AKG-42) is a Homeopathic syrup designed to relieve rheumatic conditions and promote bone and joint health. This powerful syrup combines the goodness of natural ingredients like dulcamara, meadow saffron, etc to alleviate pain, inflammation, and stiffness associated with rheumatism.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Rheumatic Pain Relief - E-Rheum Syrup offers effective relief from the pain and discomfort caused by rheumatic conditions. It helps alleviate joint pain, muscle soreness, and stiffness, promoting improved mobility and flexibility.<br /> <br /> • Anti-Inflammatory Action - This syrup contains natural ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory properties. It helps reduce inflammation in the joints and surrounding tissues, relieving swelling and tenderness.<br /> <br /> • Joint Health Support - This syrup supports overall joint health by promoting the proper lubrication and nourishment of the joints. It aids in maintaining joint mobility, preventing further degeneration, and supporting healthy cartilage function.<br /> <br /> • Improved Flexibility - Regular use of E-Rheum Syrup can help enhance joint flexibility and range of motion. It supports the smooth movement of joints, allowing individuals to engage in daily activities with greater ease.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>ACCIDUM FORMICUM 3 X HPI 1% v/v<br /> COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE 5 X HPI 1% v/v<br /> RHUS TOXICODENDRON 3X HPI 5% v/v<br /> NATRUM SALICYLICUM 3 X HPI 1% v/v<br /> LEDUM PALSTURE 3X HPI 0.5% v/v<br /> DULCAMARA 3X HPI 0.25% v/v<br /> LITHIUM CARBONICUM 5 X 0.25% v/v<br /> GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS 3X 0.25% v/v<br /> ULMUS 5X 0.25% v/v<br /> EXCIPIENTS q.s.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – 2 Tablespoon 3 to 5 times a day with or without water.<br /> Children – 2 Tablespoon 3 to 5 times a day with or without water.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 100 ₹ 95
<p>E-Renal Syrup (AKG-41) is a Homeopathic syrup that supports renal health and promotes optimal kidney function. This syrup combines carefully selected natural ingredients to provide comprehensive kidney and urinary system care.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Kidney Support - E-Renal Syrup is specifically formulated to support the health and function of the kidneys. It helps maintain proper kidney function, promotes urine production, and aids in the elimination of waste products from the body.<br /> <br /> • Urinary System Health - This syrup addresses common urinary system issues such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and urinary discomfort. It helps reduce inflammation and soothes the urinary tract.<br /> <br /> • Detoxification - This syrup assists in the natural detoxification process by aiding the kidneys in filtering and eliminating toxins from the body. It helps remove harmful substances and supports the overall detoxification function of the kidneys.<br /> <br /> • Diuretic Action - The diuretic properties of E-Renal Syrup help increase urine production and promote the elimination of waste products. This can benefit individuals experiencing water retention or swelling caused by poor kidney function.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>BERBERIS VULGARIS Q HPI 0.125.<br /> SARSAPARILLA Q HPI 0.125.<br /> OCIMUM CANUM Q HPI 0.125.<br /> HYDRANGEAARBORESCENS Q HPI 0.025 .<br /> CANTHARIS Q HPI 0.025 .<br /> DULCAMARA Q HPI 0.025 .<br /> EQUISETUM HYEMALE Q HPI 0.025 .<br /> CARAMEL &amp; FLAVOUR Q.S<br /> AQUA TO make 5.00 .</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> Adults – One table spoon with lukewarm water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> Children – One tea spoon with lukewarm water water 3 to 5 Times a day.<br /> or as advised by the PHYSICIAN.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 100 ₹ 95
<p>E-Refluxid Syrup (AKG-70) is a Homeopathic syrup that relieves acid reflux and associated symptoms. This unique syrup combines carefully selected natural ingredients known for their soothing and healing properties, offering a gentle and effective solution for digestive disorders. They help strengthen the digestive mucosa, reduce inflammation, and promote the repair of damaged tissues, contributing to long-term relief and improved digestive health.<br /> <br /> <strong>Key Features and Benefits:</strong><br /> <br /> • Acidity Relief - E-Refluxid Syrup targets both regular and occasional acidity, helping to balance the pH levels in the stomach and reduce excess acid production. It relieves symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, and discomfort in the upper abdomen.<br /> <br /> • Indigestion Support - This syrup aids in the proper digestion of food. It also helps alleviate indigestion symptoms like flatulence, abdominal pain, and a feeling of fullness even with smaller meals.<br /> <br /> • GERD Management - This syrup can be particularly effective in managing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It helps reduce the regurgitation of stomach acid into the esophagus, relieving symptoms such as chest pain, difficulty in swallowing, and other symptoms associated with acidity, hyperacidity, and GERD.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b></p><p>NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM HPI 3X 10.0% v/v<br /> CARBO VEGETABILIS HPI 3X 10.0% v/v<br /> LYCOPODIUM HPI 3X 10.0% v/v<br /> ROBINIA PSEUDOCACIA HPI 3X 10.0% v/v<br /> EXCIPIENTS Q.S.<br /> ALCOHOL CONTENT 5% v/v</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>RECOMMENDED DOSAGE:-<br /> As per your PHYSICIAN’s advice or As Prophylactic<br /> Adults – 2 Tablespoon 3 to 5 times a day with or without water.<br /> Children – 2 Teaspoon 3 to 5 times a day with or without water.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use<br /> keep in cool and dry place</p>
₹ 100 ₹ 95