Seller Id:42799
Location:Akola 444001
Rating:Not Yet Rated

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<p><strong>Pilexit Powder</strong> (<strong>Ayurvedic Medicine)</strong></p><p><strong>BENEFITS:</strong></p><ul> <li>Stops Bleeding,&nbsp;</li> <li>Reduce Lumps,&nbsp;</li> <li>Remove Pain,&nbsp;</li> <li>Stops Itching,&nbsp;</li> <li>Treatment of Piles.</li> </ul><p><strong>INDICATIONS: </strong></p><p>Pilexit Powder is enriched with 100% Ayurvedic Ingredients. Which provide safe and effective non habit forming relief in several digestive disorders naturally without any side effects.</p><p><strong>Pilexit Powder is useful</strong> in Piles/Hemorrhoids and fissures cases, Bleeding, Lumps, Pain, Itching, Constipation, Irregular bowel movements, Flatulence, Abdominal spasms, Weak digestion.</p><p><strong>Dose:</strong> ½ to 1 teaspoonful twice a day with water or as advised by the physician.</p><p><strong>Proprietary Ayurvedic Medicine</strong></p>
₹ 1,499 ₹ 999
Based on 1 reviews.