Seller Id:41746
Location:Ernakulam 683102
Rating:5.0 / 5.0 (Total Ratings = 255)

Products are available in the following categories :

Similia PICRIC ACID 30 CH Dilution 30ml

Ingredients: PICRIC ACID

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 95 ₹ 62
Similia PICRIC ACID 200 CH Dilution 30ml

Ingredients: PICRIC ACID

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 105 ₹ 68
<p>Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>PHYTOLACCA D</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>As directed by Physician</p>
₹ 165 ₹ 107
<p>Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>PHYTOLACCA D 30</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>As directed by Physician</p>
₹ 75 ₹ 49
Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing

Ingredients: PHYTOLACCA D

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 95 ₹ 62
Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing

Ingredients: PHYTOLACCA D

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 95 ₹ 62
<p>Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>PHYTOLACCA D 200</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>As directed by Physician</p>
₹ 75 ₹ 49
<p>Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>PHYTOLACCA D</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>As directed by Physician</p>
₹ 105 ₹ 68
Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing

Ingredients: PHYTOLACCA D

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 120 ₹ 78
<p>Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>PHYTOLACCA D</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>As directed by Physician</p>
₹ 120 ₹ 78
Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing

Ingredients: PHYTOLACCA D

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 195 ₹ 127
Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing

Ingredients: PHYTOLACCA D

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 195 ₹ 127
<p>Good medicine for obesity.</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>PHYTOLACCA BERRY</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>As directed by Physician</p>
₹ 165 ₹ 107
<p>Tonsils swollen, Shooting pain into ears on swallowing</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>PHYTOLACA D</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>As directed by Physician</p>
₹ 105 ₹ 68
Physostigma is a homeopathic medicine used for the eye complaints and the heart affection


Redness of the eyes, with increased watering.
Paralysis of eyes and its muscles after throat infection
Used for short sightedness, cases of night blindness.
Spasm of the eye muscles after excessive eye use
Flashing of light and complaints of partial blindness
Twitching of the muscles with contraction of the pupils
Glaucoma (increased pressure in eyes)


Stimulates the heart action and hence raises the blood pressure
Heart pulsation felt in the body
Increased palpitation with feeble pulse


Spinal irritation with numbness and tingling sensation in the extremities
Cramp like pains in the limbs
Sudden jerking of the limbs especially while going to sleep

Dose- 15 drops of Physostigma mother tincture in half a cup of normal water twice a day until symptoms disappear for 3 months or as prescribed by physician. Can be taken with allopathic medicines.


Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing

Side effects: None reported

Similar drugs- Muscarin, Conium, Curare, Gelsemium

Directions For Use
Use as directed by the physician.

Safety Information:
Read the label carefully before use
Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course
Keep out of the reach of children
Use under medical supervision
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth such as coffee, onion, hing, mint, camphor, garlic etc while taking the medicine
Keep at least half an hour gap between food/drink/ any other medicines and allopathic medicine
₹ 210 ₹ 168
<p>Used to combat kidney stones, Protect liver</p><p><b>Ingredients: </b>PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>As directed by Physician</p>
₹ 180 ₹ 117
Based on 4 reviews.
Similia PHOSPHORUS 30 CH Dilution 30ml

Ingredients: PHOSPHORUS

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 95 ₹ 62
Vomiting, sour taste and sour eructation after every meal, cough worse from cold air, rusty sputum

Ingredients: PHOSPHORUS

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 95 ₹ 62
Vomiting, sour taste and sour eructation after every meal, cough worse from cold air, rusty sputum

Ingredients: PHOSPHORUS

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 105 ₹ 68
 irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes

Ingredients: PHOSPHORUS

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 105 ₹ 68
Based on 1 reviews.
 irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes

Ingredients: PHOSPHORUS

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 120 ₹ 78
Vomiting, sour taste and sour eructation after every meal, cough worse from cold air, rusty sputum

Ingredients: PHOSPHORUS

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 120 ₹ 78
Vomiting, sour taste and sour eructation after every meal, cough worse from cold air, rusty sputum

Ingredients: PHOSPHORUS

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 195 ₹ 127
 irritates, inflames and degenerates mucous membranes, irritates and inflames serous membranes

Ingredients: PHOSPHORUS

How to Use: As directed by Physician

₹ 195 ₹ 127