Seller Id:33493
Location:Ahmednagar 414001
Rating:4.2 / 5.0 (Total Ratings = 8)

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<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" width="114%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:98.28%;height:25px;">The Major cause Female Infertility is Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It is estimated that 8-10% women in their reproductive age are suffering with PCOS,<br /> Infertility rate with Polycystic ovaries are very high and the numbers are keep on increasing. The Major cause of PCOS is Oxidative Stress, Processed food, Stress, Pollution which results into: <ul> <li>Insulin Resistance,</li> <li>&nbsp;Androgen/ Testosterone excess ,</li> <li>Irregular Menstrual Cycle,</li> <li>weight gain&nbsp;</li> </ul> that leads to PCOS or PCOS induced Female Infertility, Polycystic ovarian syndrome not only affects the Physiology of the body but it will affect the appearance of the Female too,<br /> Like <ul> <li>Obesity,</li> <li>&nbsp;Excessive facial hair growth</li> <li>&nbsp;Acne</li> </ul> Patient having PCOS may not ovulate properly and hence not able to get pregnant.<br /> Hence to Provide a Ray of Hope for the Female suffering with PCOS.<br /> Representing Cap.V-PCOS</td> <td rowspan="2" style="width:1.72%;height:25px;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:98.28%;"> <p>Cap. V-PCOS is the most research based formulation which is only product available in market which act systematically on each and every root cause of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).our name itself suggest the product for what it is made of.<br /> Cap.V-PCOS is the compositions of very selected herbs which acts systematically to reduce each and every sign and symptoms of PCOS.</p><p><strong>Key Ingredients –</strong></p><ul> <li>Shatavari&nbsp; –&nbsp; Regulated the LH: FSH ratio &amp; Induces Healthy Ovulation</li> <li>Kamari –&nbsp; Induces &amp; Maintains monthly menstrual Cycle</li> <li>Lodhra – Regulates Hormone level</li> <li>Ashok – Corrects Ovulation disorder <sup>2</sup></li> <li>Kanchnar –Reduces the&nbsp; size and no. of Ovarian Cysts in PCOS</li> <li>Yashtimadhu – Reduces free levels of&nbsp; testosterone</li> <li>Ulat Kambal – Offers hypoglycemic effect<sup>1&nbsp; </sup>and improves insulin sensitivity of the body</li> <li><br /> <strong>Action</strong></li> <li>Reduces Androgen Excess in females.</li> <li>Induction of normal menstrual cycle every month</li> <li>Reduces the size and number of cysts in the ovary.</li> <li>Improves ovarian functions.</li> <li>Induction of healthy ovulation.</li> <li>Reduction in weight/obesity.</li> <li>Maintaining the normal levels of Hormones i.e. FSH and LH.</li> <li>Improves fertility and chances of Conception</li> <li><strong>Composition </strong>-</li> </ul> &nbsp;<table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" width="667"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:58px;"><strong>Sr.No.</strong></td> <td style="width:119px;"><strong>Ingredients</strong></td> <td style="width:181px;"><strong>Botanical name</strong></td> <td style="width:90px;"><strong>Part used</strong></td> <td style="width:78px;"><strong>Quantity</strong></td> <td style="width:142px;"><strong>Reference</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:119px;"><strong>Powders of</strong></td> <td style="width:181px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:90px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:78px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:142px;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">1.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Tankan</td> <td style="width:181px;">Boarax</td> <td style="width:90px;">-</td> <td style="width:78px;">50mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Ras Tarangini</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">2.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Palashkshara</td> <td style="width:181px;">Butea monosperma</td> <td style="width:90px;">Kshara</td> <td style="width:78px;">50mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Ashtangahrudayam</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">&nbsp;</td> <td colspan="5" style="width:609px;"><strong>Extract derived from</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">3.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Kanchanar</td> <td style="width:181px;">Bauhinia variegata</td> <td style="width:90px;">Whole plant</td> <td style="width:78px;">300mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">4.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Yashtimadhu</td> <td style="width:181px;">Glycerrhiza glabra</td> <td style="width:90px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:78px;">250mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">5.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Ulatkambal</td> <td style="width:181px;">Abroma angusta</td> <td style="width:90px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:78px;">400mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">6.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Ashok</td> <td style="width:181px;">Saraca indica</td> <td style="width:90px;">Stem bark</td> <td style="width:78px;">400mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">7.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Jatamansi</td> <td style="width:181px;">Nordostachys jatamansi</td> <td style="width:90px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:78px;">150mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Nighantu sangraha</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">8.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Lodhra</td> <td style="width:181px;">Symplocos racemosa</td> <td style="width:90px;">Bark</td> <td style="width:78px;">400mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">9.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Hingu</td> <td style="width:181px;">Ferula asafoetida</td> <td style="width:90px;">Gum</td> <td style="width:78px;">150mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">10.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Trikatu</td> <td style="width:181px;">-</td> <td style="width:90px;">-</td> <td style="width:78px;">100mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">11.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Kalabol</td> <td style="width:181px;">Aloe vera</td> <td style="width:90px;">Gum</td> <td style="width:78px;">60mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">12.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Gajarbeej</td> <td style="width:181px;">Daucus carota&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:90px;">Seeds</td> <td style="width:78px;">125mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">13.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Bharangi</td> <td style="width:181px;">Clerodendron serratum</td> <td style="width:90px;">Roots/bark</td> <td style="width:78px;">250mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">14.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Shatavari</td> <td style="width:181px;">Asparagus racemosus</td> <td style="width:90px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:78px;">100mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">15.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Dashmool</td> <td style="width:181px;">-</td> <td style="width:90px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:78px;">150mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">16.</td> <td style="width:119px;">Gorakhmundi</td> <td style="width:181px;">Sphaeranthus indicus</td> <td style="width:90px;">Herb/seeds</td> <td style="width:78px;">250mg</td> <td style="width:142px;">Dhanvantari nighantu</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:119px;">Excepients</td> <td style="width:181px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:90px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:78px;">Q.S.</td> <td style="width:142px;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div><ul> <li><strong>Dosage </strong>-2 cap twice a day.</li> <li><strong>Side Effects</strong> - Cap.V-PCOS is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.</li> <li><strong>Indication</strong> - Cap.V-PCOS is useful in Female Infertility and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), Irregular menstrual cycle.</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
₹ 560 ₹ 500
Based on 14 reviews.
<p>In todays stressful life lots&nbsp; of couples suffering with infertility, the reason behind the infertility is pollution, fast food, stressful life, inadequate sleep , addiction which results into oxidative stress.</p><p>Out of 100 infertile couples 40 % couple are suffering with Male factor infertility, where women is fertile but unable to get pregnant due to her male partner which account to 40 % .</p><p>In male factor infertility there are following conditions which results into the male infertility .</p><ol> <li>Oligospermia – sperm count is less than 20 million</li> <li>Oligoasthenospermia – where sperm count is below 20 million and sperm motility is&nbsp; less than 30 %</li> <li>Asthenospermia – sperm count is normal but sperm motility is less than 30 %</li> <li>Teratospermia – where sperm count and motility is normal but sperm mophology is abmormal ( head defects, tail defects)</li> <li>Azoospermia- wher esperm count is nil or completely absent (and there is no any treatment available to improve that&nbsp;</li> </ol><p>The basic cause behind the above condition is oxidative stress which results into low testicular functioning.<br /> In Cap. Androfost we have selected most potent antioxidant herb which stimulate spermatogenesis in males by reduces oxidative stress and improving testicular functioning&nbsp; by supplying essential phytochemicals required for healthy spermatogenesis.</p><p><strong>Key Ingredients –</strong></p><ul> <li>&nbsp;Safed musali – improves semen volume and sperm count</li> <li>Abhrak bhasma – rich sourse of zinc that improves sperm motility</li> <li>Kawach beej – sourse of L-Dopa , Improves sr.testosteron levels</li> <li>Shilajeet – provides zinc, selenium and other vital minerals required for health spermatogensis</li> <li>Gokshura – increses Serum testosteron levels</li> <li>Ashwagandha – rich sourse of arginine</li> </ul><p><strong>Action –</strong></p><ul> <li>Reduces Oxidative stress and improves testicular functioning</li> <li>Improves sperm kinetic feature</li> <li>Protects lipid peroxidation of sperm membrane</li> <li>Increases sperm count and sperm motility</li> <li>Fortifies sperm for the conception</li> </ul><p><strong>Composition -</strong></p><table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="665"> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Sr.No.</strong></td> <td><strong>Ingredients</strong></td> <td><strong>Botanical name</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><strong>Powders of</strong></td> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1.</td> <td>Abhrakbhasma</td> <td>Mica</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2.</td> <td>Shilajit</td> <td>Asphaltum</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td colspan="2"><strong>Extract derived from</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>3.</td> <td>Atmagupta</td> <td>Mucuna pruriens</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4.</td> <td>Kokilaksha</td> <td>Hygrophilia&nbsp;auriculate</td> </tr> <tr> <td>5.</td> <td>Safedmusali</td> <td>Chlorophytum borivilianum&nbsp;/ Asparagus adscendens</td> </tr> <tr> <td>6.</td> <td>Gokshura</td> <td>Tribulus terrestris</td> </tr> <tr> <td>7.</td> <td>Shatavari</td> <td>Asparagus racemosus</td> </tr> <tr> <td>8.</td> <td>Shalmali</td> <td>Bombax malabaricum/<br /> Salmalia Malabarica</td> </tr> <tr> <td>9.</td> <td>Guduchi</td> <td>Tinospora cordifolia</td> </tr> <tr> <td>10.</td> <td>Amla</td> <td>Emblica Officinalis/ Phyllanthus Emblica</td> </tr> <tr> <td>11.</td> <td>Ashwagandha</td> <td>Withenia somnifera</td> </tr> <tr> <td>12.</td> <td>Musta</td> <td>Cyperus rotundas</td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td>Excepients</td> <td>Q.S</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><p>&nbsp;<br /> <strong>Dosage </strong>- 2 capsules twice a day.</p><p><strong>Indication/ Useful in </strong>–&nbsp;Oligospermia,&nbsp;Oligoasthenospermia, Low libido</p><p><strong>Side Effects -</strong>&nbsp;Cap. Androfost is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the recommended dosage.</p>
₹ 750 ₹ 600
<p>Haemoglobin is one of the most vital thing for the well being of the person,and Iron is required for the sysnthesis of Haemoglobin, which our body gets through our diet,</p><p>And its very much important to fulfill the daily iron requirment of our body through the Diet.<br /> But in todays life processed food is unavoidable part of our daily life&nbsp; and because of that we failed to fulfill daily requirement of vitamins and minerals like iron.<br /> Which results in to Iron Deficiency Anemia.<br /> <br /> In Iron deficiency Anemia&nbsp; -&nbsp; Fatigue, Loss of appetite, Nausea, Pale skin, Hair loss, Mood Swing, low immunity, etc are the most common symptoms and it not treat early may worsen the case.<br /> <br /> Most of the time when a patient gets Diagnosed as a Iron Deficiency Anemia doctor may recommande &nbsp;various iron suppliments to the patient, But soon after starting a Iron Suppliemnts Patients may complain about Black stool or Hard Stool, Difficuilty in defication, Metallic tasete, Stomach upset, Nausia and vomiting,<br /> <br /> The above mentioned symptoms are related to Iron Suppliment and which arises due to the Unabsorbed Iron – the iron which doesnt get absorbed by your gut, This Unabsorbed Iron causes Black stool, and Hardning of Stool<br /> Hence because of this Patients does get Expected Haemoglobin rise after starting the Iron Suppliment,<br /> So because of this Absorption Matters a lot in Iron supplimentation and hence there is a Need of Absorption specific haematinic.<br /> <br /> So for the all the people who are suffering with Fatigue, Low Immunity, Loss of appetite and those who are diagnosed with Low Haemoglobin or Anemia Representing Cap.Ironatics – The Absorption Specific Haematinic.</p><p><strong>Action -</strong></p><p>Cap.Ironatics -&nbsp; is the composition of herbs and mineral which provide the most natural and absorbable form of Iron as well as stimulate the absorption of iron in to the proximal intestine with the help of herbs which stimulate the iron absorption system in the body and rise the total Hb % of Patients</p><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:100.0%;" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:67.0%;height:36px;"> <ul> <li>Mandar Bhasma &amp; Suvarna Makshik Bhasma&nbsp; -&nbsp; Rich and most absorbable source of IRON.</li> <li>Sunthi, Pimpali,Sariva, Manjishta,Patol, Patha &amp; Kutaki – Stiulates absorption of IRON.</li> <li>Laghumalini&nbsp; Vasant &amp; Abhrak Bhasma – Assures rise of Hemoglobin %.</li> <li>Triphala – Reduces IRON induced side effects &amp;assures highest patient compliance.<br /> &nbsp;</li> <li><strong>Action </strong>–</li> <li>Provide most absorbable and natural form of iron salt.</li> <li>Improves iron absorption.</li> <li>Improves liver function.</li> <li>Improves Hemoglobin count.</li> <li>Improves appetite.</li> </ul> &nbsp;<table align="center" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:58px;"><strong>Sr.No.</strong></td> <td style="width:166px;"><strong>Ingredients</strong></td> <td style="width:163px;"><strong>Botanical name</strong></td> <td style="width:78px;"><strong>Part used</strong></td> <td style="width:65px;"><strong>Quantity</strong></td> <td style="width:123px;"><strong>Reference</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:166px;"><strong>Powder of</strong></td> <td style="width:163px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:78px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:65px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:123px;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">1.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Mandur bhasma</td> <td style="width:163px;">-</td> <td style="width:78px;">-</td> <td style="width:65px;">150mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Rasatarangini 20/132-134</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">2.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Abhrak bhasma</td> <td style="width:163px;">Mica</td> <td style="width:78px;">-</td> <td style="width:65px;">30mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Rasa Tarangini 10/39-42</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">3.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Suvarna makshik bhasma</td> <td style="width:163px;">-</td> <td style="width:78px;">-</td> <td style="width:65px;">30mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Rasa Tarangini 21/19-20</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">4.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Laghumalinivasant</td> <td style="width:163px;">Generic preparation</td> <td style="width:78px;">-</td> <td style="width:65px;">50mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Yogaratnakara, Jwaradhikara 211</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">&nbsp;</td> <td colspan="5" style="width:595px;"><strong>Extracts derived from</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">5.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Sunthi</td> <td style="width:163px;">Zingiber officinale</td> <td style="width:78px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:65px;">100mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">6.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Pimpali</td> <td style="width:163px;">Piper longum</td> <td style="width:78px;">fruit</td> <td style="width:65px;">100mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">7.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Triphala<br /> (Amla, Harde, Baheda)</td> <td style="width:163px;">Emblica offincinalis<br /> Terminalia chebula<br /> Terminalia belerica</td> <td style="width:78px;">&nbsp;<br /> Fruit</td> <td style="width:65px;">&nbsp;<br /> 200mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">&nbsp;<br /> Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;height:14px;">8.</td> <td style="width:166px;height:14px;">Manjishtha</td> <td style="width:163px;height:14px;">Rubia cordifolia</td> <td style="width:78px;height:14px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:65px;height:14px;">200mg</td> <td style="width:123px;height:14px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">9.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Sariva</td> <td style="width:163px;">Hemidesmus indicus</td> <td style="width:78px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:65px;">200mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">10.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Patol</td> <td style="width:163px;">Trichosanthes dioica</td> <td style="width:78px;">Leaves</td> <td style="width:65px;">100mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">11.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Musta</td> <td style="width:163px;">Cyperus rotundus</td> <td style="width:78px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:65px;">100mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">12.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Patha</td> <td style="width:163px;">Cocculus hirsutus</td> <td style="width:78px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:65px;">100mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">13.</td> <td style="width:166px;">Kutaki</td> <td style="width:163px;">Picrorhiza kurroa</td> <td style="width:78px;">Roots</td> <td style="width:65px;">100mg</td> <td style="width:123px;">Bhavprakash</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:58px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:166px;">Excepients</td> <td style="width:163px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:78px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:65px;">Q.S.</td> <td style="width:123px;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><div style="clear:both;">&nbsp;</div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table><ul> <li><strong>Dosage </strong>- 1 cap twice a day.</li> <li><strong>Side Effects</strong> - Cap. Ironatics is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.</li> <li><strong>Indication </strong>- Cap. Ironatics - is useful in iron deficiency anemia, pregnancy induced anemia.</li> </ul>
₹ 350 ₹ 320
<p>The term Unexplained Infertility is used for the cases of female infertility where exact cause of infertility is not known or not significant to cause Infertility but still female struggle to gets pregnant this kind of female infertility is named as Unexplained Infertility, exact cause of infertility is not known hence the term Unexplained Infertility is used to define such cases,</p><p>Following are the conditions which leads to Unexplained Infertility –</p><ul> <li>Unhealthy ovulation</li> <li>Luteal phase defects.</li> <li>Infection of female reproductive tract</li> <li>Unhealthy Endometrium</li> <li>Low fertility Index</li> <li>Oxidative stress.</li> </ul><p>As the name stated Cap. Explain- I is the formulation specially designed for the cases of Unexplained Infertility,<br /> Cap. Explain- I is the combination of herbs having properties to strengthen and improve the fertility index in females having Unexplained Infertility,</p><p><strong>Key Ingredients -</strong></p><ul> <li>Shatavari&nbsp; &amp;&nbsp; Lodhra&nbsp; –&nbsp; Regulated the LH: FSH ratio &amp; Induces Healthy Ovulation</li> <li>Kantari –&nbsp; Helps to retain the Pregnancy till full-term</li> <li>Ashwagandha&nbsp; – Effectively&nbsp; reduces stress, by Reducing elevated levels&nbsp; of&nbsp; cortisol</li> <li>Kasis Bhasma – Significantly increases the blood circulation</li> <li>Hira bol –Induces the menstrual cycle and tone up the uterine wall</li> <li>Ashok – Possesses progesterone like activity</li> </ul><p><strong>Action –</strong></p><ul> <li>Correct luteal phase defects by augmenting the secretion&nbsp; of FSH</li> <li>Prepeares endometrium for implantaion of fertilized egg</li> <li>Maintain normal PH of Vagina.</li> <li>Clears out infections of genito-urinary tract</li> <li>Optimize fertilizetion and inplant of embryo.</li> </ul><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:67.32%;"><strong>Composition </strong>-<br /> &nbsp; <table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%;" width="690"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:12px;"><strong>Sr.No.</strong></td> <td style="width:280px;height:12px;"><strong>Ingredients</strong></td> <td style="width:302px;height:12px;"><strong>Botanical name</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:16px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:280px;height:16px;"><strong>Powders of </strong></td> <td style="width:302px;height:16px;">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:16px;">1.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:16px;">Kasis bhasma</td> <td style="width:302px;height:16px;">-</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:18px;">2.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:18px;">Hirabol</td> <td style="width:302px;height:18px;">-</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:17px;">&nbsp;</td> <td colspan="2" style="width:582px;height:17px;"><strong>Extract derived from</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:17px;">3.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:17px;">Putranjeeva</td> <td style="width:302px;height:17px;">Putranjeeva roxburghii</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:18px;">4.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:18px;">Triphala (Amla, Harde, Baheda)</td> <td style="width:302px;height:18px;">Emblica offincinale<br /> Terminalia chebula<br /> Terminalia belerica</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:17px;">5.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:17px;">Ulatkambal</td> <td style="width:302px;height:17px;">Abroma augusta</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:17px;">6.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:17px;">Ashok</td> <td style="width:302px;height:17px;">Saraca indica</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:17px;">7.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:17px;">Lodhra</td> <td style="width:302px;height:17px;">Symplocos racemosa</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:17px;">8.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:17px;">Shatavari</td> <td style="width:302px;height:17px;">Asparagus racemosus</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:17px;">9.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:17px;">Ashwagandha</td> <td style="width:302px;height:17px;">Withania somnifera</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:17px;">10.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:17px;">Kantakari</td> <td style="width:302px;height:17px;">Solanum xanthocarpum</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:23px;">11.</td> <td style="width:280px;height:23px;">Manjishtha</td> <td style="width:302px;height:23px;">Rubia cordifolia</td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:108px;height:18px;">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width:280px;height:18px;">Excepients</td> <td style="width:302px;height:18px;">Q.S</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><p><strong>Dosage -</strong></p><p>1 cap thrice a day.</p><p><strong>Side Effects –</strong>&nbsp;</p><p>Cap.Explain -I is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the recommended dosage.</p><p><strong>Indication –</strong>&nbsp;</p><p>Cap.Explain -I&nbsp; is useful in Unexplained Infertility. And as a Uterine tonic for females</p>
₹ 580 ₹ 450
<div>Cap. V-ToGRO is the formulation designed for IUGR and Oligohydraminous.</div><div>Cap. V-ToGRO&nbsp; &nbsp;is composed of herbs having antioxidant and anabolic properties with all essential amino acids and micro and macro elements need for the optimal growth of fetus and also maintain the normal levels of amniotic fluid.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Action –</strong></div><ul> <li>Optimizes&nbsp; Uteroplacentral Blood circulation by improving microcirculation</li> <li>Promotes intrauterine growth of fetus by providing essential amino acids</li> <li>Increases oxidative stress and free radicals</li> <li>Effectively improves amniotic fluid levels</li> <li>Improves fetal birth weight.</li> <li>Maintain normal level amniotic fluid.</li> <li>Ensures maternal and fetal care.</li> </ul><div><strong>Composition –</strong></div><div>Sr.No.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Ingredients<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Botanical name</div><div><strong>Powder of<span style="white-space:pre"> </span></strong></div><div>1.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Abhrak bhasma<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Mica</div><div>2.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Ladhumalini vasant<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Generic preparation</div><div><strong>Extracts derived from</strong></div><div>3.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Vidarikand<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Pueraria tuberosa</div><div>4.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Madhuyashti<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Glycyrrhiza glabra</div><div>5.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Kamalkand<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Nelumbo speciosum/ nucifer</div><div>6.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Shatavari<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Asparagus racemosus</div><div>7.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Ashwagandha<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Withaniasomnifera</div><div>8.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Gambhari<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Gmelina arborea</div><div>9.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Kali musali<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Curculigo orchioides</div><div>10.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Bala<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Sida cordifolia</div><div>11.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Vacha<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Acorus calamus</div><div>12.<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Sunthi<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Zingiber offincinale</div><div>Excepients<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>Q.S.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Dosage -</strong>2 Cap twice a day.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Side Effects -</strong></div><div>Cap. V-ToGRO is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>Indication -</strong></div><div>Cap. V-ToGRO is useful in IUGR and Oligohydraminous.</div>
₹ 580 ₹ 500
<p><strong>Cap. - L H Surge</strong></p><p>The most important thing in female fertility is occurance of ovulation – means the time when female release her egg is called as ovulation,</p><p>Which takes place between 10 to 24 th day of menstrual cycle every month, but most probabaly around 14 th day.</p><p>But in females who are sufffering with infertility un ovulation may be the underlying cause of female infertility.</p><p>Unovulation may be associate with PCOS or Unexplained Infertility,</p><p>In the process of Ovulation&nbsp; LH Hormone play a very vital role for induction and rupture of female follicle or egg.</p><p>For female who are struggling to get preganant health of female follicle or egg is equaly important for getting pregnanat,</p><p>So for those females who are struggling to Ovulate Properly ..<br /> Representing Cap.LH Surge – Surge of Ovulation</p><p><strong>Action –</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> Cap. - L H Surge is the composition of very potent herbs which stimulates the process of healthy ovulation induction by most natural form, in Cap. LH Surge the duration of treatment is for 5 days only and it assures the healthy ovulation for the females of Infertility.</p><p>Myrtyscaryophyllus&nbsp; - Stimulates the ovaries and restore hormone balance<br /> Myristicafragrans – promote ovulation induction<br /> Myristicafragrans Mace&nbsp; - Stimulates ovulation equal to clomiphene<br /> Putranjiva roxburghii – promotes the dominant follicle to burst<br /> Tribhulas terristris – Increase in mean midluteal&nbsp; phase progesterone level<br /> Mucuna prureins -&nbsp; promoters Folliculogenesis &amp; Regularizes follicle maturation period</p><p><strong>Action –</strong><br /> Stimulates Healthy Ovulation.<br /> Effectively induces healthy ovulation<br /> Normalizes the hypothalamic- pituitary- ovarian axis<br /> Promote&nbsp; folliculo-genesis&nbsp; and rupture&nbsp; of follicle<br /> Optimizes chances of conception.<br /> Promotes fertilization and proper implant of embryo</p><p><strong>Composition -</strong></p><p>Sr.No. Ingredients Botanical name<br /> 1. Gokshura Tribulas terrestris<br /> 2. Kawachbeej Mucuna prureins<br /> 3. Jaiphal Myristica fragrans<br /> 4. Putranjeeva Putranjeeva roxburghii<br /> 5. Javitri Myristica fragrans<br /> 6. Lavanga Syzygium aromaticum<br /> 7. Rudravanti Cressa cretica<br /> 8. Shatavari Asparagus resemosus<br /> 9. Trikatu -<br /> 10. Aparajita Clitoria ternatea</p><p>11. Shilajit Asphaltum<br /> 12.. Jatamansi Nordostachys jatamansi</p><p>Excepients&nbsp; Q.S.</p><p><strong>Dosage</strong><br /> 2 cap twice a day from 5th day to 10th day of menstrual cycle.</p><p><strong>Side Effects -</strong><br /> Cap. - L H Surge is not known to have any side effect if taken as per the recommended dosage.</p>
₹ 810 ₹ 750
<p><strong>Cap. Immunity Plants –</strong><br /> &nbsp;<br /> In this critical phase of Covid -19 Pandemic, Immunity is playing a vital role in person’s life to avoid a viral infection or to get recover from this viral infection or to boost immunity to minimizes the viral load and get early recovery from the viral infections like Covid- 19.<br /> <br /> A Immunity varies person to person and as age advances immunity gets weaker and weaker.<br /> <br /> Viral Infections like Covid -19 and other viruses are going to be a part of Human life now and we have to live with this Viruses,<br /> <br /> And to fight with such a viruses one need a top most level immunity which can handle and deal with this viruses and keep our body safe and healthy.<br /> <br /> In modern medicine there is no any medicine to boost up your immunity they have vitamins, minerals, trace elements to support immunity.<br /> <br /> But in our traditional system of Ayurveda we have plenty of natural herbs which have proven to effectively increase the immunity of the person along with having antiviral activity against the viruses to minimize the viral load and to boost immunity.<br /> <br /> In Ayurveda there are number of herbs mentioned having Immunity Booster and antiviral activity.<br /> <br /> Out of that we are representing our Brand – Cap. Immunity Plants – the Dual power Immunity Booster.<br /> <br /> In this Brand we are using Nano Curcumin Extract – a most potent and absorbable form of Curcumin – which is a active principal of Turmeric along with Piperine Extract – which also a very well established immune modulator.<br /> <br /> <strong>Curcumin is</strong><br /> Antioxidant, ANTIDIBETIC, anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, hepato protective, cardio protective, Neuro Protective, Anti tumar or Anti Cancer, Fight against Respiratory infections, Immunomodulator acitivity.</p>
₹ 230 ₹ 200
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