Seller Id:46834
Location:Gurgaon 122051
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<p>Kidneys are vital organs for healthy functioning of body as they filter and eliminate waste products from the body besides regulating blood pressure, hemoglobon levels and performing other imprortant functions. Many disorders can effect kidneys presenting with excess protein (albumin) in urine, blood in urine and aching in kidney region.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>A tumor is an abnormal growth of body tissue which can be benign or malignant and can occur in almost any part of the body e.g.ndodosities in breast. Scrofulous swelling of glands (lymphatic glands) and enlarged glands.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Thyrotoxicosis is a condition arising due to overproduction of thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism) or excessive intake of thyrois hormone. It commonly presents with heat intolerance, incraesed sweating, increased appetite, nervousness, restlessness, weight loss, fatigue, goiter, trembling of hands etc.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Acute circulatory disturbances, circulatory shock, following infectious diseases and injuries. A stage of collapse with coldness of skin, fatigue, vomitting, pirging, c ramps in extremeties. Chronic circulatory disturbances with tendency to syncope, venous congestions, vertigo and tinnitus.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Injuries of various types like open wounds, cuts, abrasions, contusions; injuries of ligaments, tendons and cartilages; fractures; mechaniacal and traumatic injuries.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Acute and chronic local inflammations,of catarrhal and purulent nature. with swelling of glands. Heat, redness, oedematous swellings, boils, stinging and throbbing pains in affected parts. Catarrhal inflammation of mucosa of nose, pharynx, tonsils and conjunctiva. Inflammations and suppurations of the Iymphatics of the pharynx. Glandular swellings. Inflammatory condition of fibrous and osseus tissues as in periosteitis and arthritis. Helps relieve symptoms associated with inflammatory conditions like tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, arthritis etc. Also useful in sudden infections and high fever.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Inflammation of mucous membranes especially of upper respiratory tract with acrid discharges. Also useful in skin rashes and measles with conjunctivitis and photophobia.<br /> Remarks:<br /> For tonsillitis, pharyngitis refer to A 204 Inflammation droops<br /> For sinusitis use A188 Sinus drops</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Sweating helps the body stay cool. However, excessive sweating can lead to significant discomfort, both physical and emotional. Excessive sweating can occur due to many causes like anxiety, during menopause, hyperthyroidism etc.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Muscular weakness of the heart and appearance of oedema and hydropsy of the legs. Hydrothorax, Dropsy of chest, orthopnea. Ascites- Hydropsy in the abdomen. Useful in failing compensation of heart; increases heart's action.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>SKIN DROPS</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Chronic skin disorders especially not yielding to treament. Unhealthy skin and lack of reaction.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Psoriasis is a chronic skin disorder characterised by excessive scaling of skin.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>For itching vesicles, neuralgia associated with herpes zoster, zona.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Acne, papular, pustular, comedones also known as blackheads and whiteheads. Acne on face, chest, and shoulders.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Sinusitis is the acute or chronic inflammation of paranasal sinuses presenting commonly as nasal discharge and pain behind eyes or in the face. There may be post nasal drip, malaise and fever.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Inflammation of lungs, pneumonia, bronchitis and pthisis. Helps relieve dyspnoea and cough.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>In affections of lungs and pleura e.g. Pleurisy, Inflammation of pleural membrane, pneumonia. Helps rel;ieve cough, dyspnoea and pain in intercostal areas (intercostal neuralgia).</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Hoarseness from overuse of voice as in public speakers, teachers. Chronic laryngitis, internal soreness of larynx and pit of throat .</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Cough may be caused by respiratory tract infection like whooping cough, smoking, pollution, chronic disorders like asthma and chronic bronchitis. Aough may be dry or with expectoration i.e. sputum production.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Bronchial asthma is a respiratory disorder characterised by variable and recurring narrowing of air passages causing difficulty in breathing and cough. Symptoms may be exacerbated by exposure to triggers like house dust, pollen, smoke, food allergens, cold etc.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Neuralgia is pain along a nerve root. It can occur in various parts of body e.g. , over face, over eyes, sciatica in legs. It may be accompanied by numbness , cramps or twitchings in affected part.</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162
<p>Disorders of nervous system may present with neuralgia, convulsions, cramps, saint vitus dance, spasma, twitchings, involuntary movements,</p><p><b>How to Use: </b>Adults: Approx. 1ml (20 drops) thrice daily in half cup of water. Children: Approx. half of the adult's dose. OR as directed by the Physician.</p><p><b>Important Information: </b>Shake well before use, Store in a cool and dry place.</p>
₹ 190 ₹ 162