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In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s Ultimate Nutrition was among the first companies to have Amino Acid tablets, protein powders, carbohydrate powders, and various types of Fat Burners. By the late 1980’s and early 1990’s Ultimate Nutrition launched several legendary products such as Sports Energizer, an electrolyte fueled ready to drink beverage that came in 10 flavors and in a glass bottle.
By the mid 1990’s Ultimate Nutrition again was on the cutting edge as we were one of the first companies to come out with Whey Protein powder in a bottle. Today, Ultimate Nutrition continues to excel with a wide range of products including Iso Mass Xtreme Gainer®, ProStar® Whey, Muscle Juice® 2544, GlutaPure®, Protein Isolate, Iso Sensation® 93, Amino 2000, Ultra Ripped®, Horse Power®, and now Horse Power® X. Horse Power X is a revolutionary condensed pre-workout supplement formulated to help increase energy, endurance, and stamina, and to promote increased strength and muscle building gains.
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