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Dr. Reckeweg

Dr. Reckeweg

Around the turn of the last century, the medical practitioner Heinrich (1877-1944) Reckeweg established the "Eupha Laboratory" in pursuit of his vision of a natural medicine. His aim was the responsible production of effective, well-tolerated drugs. 

Today, the pharmaceutical company Dr. Reckeweg & Co. GmbH, Bensheim, Germany, is continuing this tradition.
First of all, our preparations enjoy success and worldwide appreciation because of their carefully chosen ingredients. 

Based on our own research, we created a series of often imitated but never equaled, well-tolerated combination drugs. Characterized by their broad therapeutic spectrum, they are highly acclaimed by experts from all over the word.

Continuity in the management of the family-owned company, qualified and motivated employees, dedication and identification of all colleagues with their products- all of these factors contributed to the worldwide recognition and distribution of Reckeweg preparations, which today are appreciated as reliable and helpful medicine in more than forty countries and in all continents.

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Dr. Reckeweg Ornithogalum Umbellatum 30 CH (11ml) : Stomach complaints, abdominal distension, vomiting, flatulence, gas COD Available -10%
Also known as Ornithogalum UmbPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dime..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Calcarea Picratum 30 CH (11ml) : Boils, weakness, ear pain, Students headache, muscules weak COD Available -5%
Also known as Calc PicPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2..
₹ 125 ₹ 119
Dr. Reckeweg Colocynthis 30 CH (11ml) : Abdominal pains, sciatica, Cramps, Stiff Joints, Ovarian cyst, Anger COD Available -10%
Also known as ColocynthPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions ..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Eupatorium Purpureum 6 CH (11ml) : Painful urination, bone pains, headache, renal complaints, Soreness COD Available -10%
Also known as Eupat PurpPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions ..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Baryta Phosphoricum 30 CH (11ml) : Swollen glands, Dry cough, Restlessness, Asthmatic, Weakness COD Available -5%
Also known as Baryta PhosPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimension..
₹ 135 ₹ 128
Dr. Reckeweg Cina 6 CH (11ml) : Worm remedy, itching at anus, crampy pains, grinding teeth, convulsion COD Available -5%
Also known as CinaPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2.3 (c..
₹ 145 ₹ 138
Dr. Reckeweg Cuprum Arsenicosum 30 CH (11ml) : For Abdominal colic, loose motion, Backache,Trembling Hands COD Available -10%
Also known as Cup ArsPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2...
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Dulcamara 30 CH (11ml) : Dryness, mouth ulcers, abdominal pains, red rash, Joint pains COD Available -5%
Also known as DulcPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2.3 (..
₹ 145 ₹ 138
Dr. Reckeweg Kali Iodatum 6 CH (11ml) : Heals Scars after eruptions, Tinnitus, hiccoughs,Eructation, Sciatica COD Available -10%
Also known as Kali Iod, Potassium Iodide, Kali hydriodicumPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm Liqu..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Asterias Rubens 30 CH (11ml) : Acne, Constipation, Convulsions, Headache, Heart, Uterine affections, Ulcers COD Available -10%
Also known as Ast RubPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2...
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Scirrhinum 30 CH (11ml) : For Enlarged hard glands, varicose, worms, weakness COD Available -10%
Also known as ScirrhinPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Ocimum Canum 6 CH (11ml) : For Albuminuria, painful urine, glandular swelling, Itching, Uric acid COD Available -10%
Also known as Ocimum CPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2...
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Grindelia Robusta 30 CH (11ml) : Reduces Spleen pain, helps in Blister of Burns, Skin eruption itching COD Available -10%
Also known as Grindelia RobPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensi..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Chininum Arsenicosum 6 CH (11ml) : Tonic after chronic diseases, weakness, headcahe COD Available -5%
Also known as China Ars, Chin ArsPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Di..
₹ 125 ₹ 119
Dr. Reckeweg Badiaga 30 CH (11ml) : Scalp dandruff, coryza, swollen glands, stomach pain, sore pains. COD Available -10%
Also known as BadiagPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2.3..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Symphytum Officinale 6 CH (11ml) : Injuries after blows, fall, Blows, Knee pains, neuralgic pains COD Available -5%
Also known as Symphytum OffPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensio..
₹ 145 ₹ 138
Dr. Reckeweg Zincum Metallicum 30 CH (11ml) : For Brain-fag, Debility, Headache, weak memory, Neuralgia, Restless Legs COD Available -10%
Also known as Zinc MetPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Rhus Toxicodendron 6 CH (11ml) : For sprains, Joint pains, Stiffness, Muscle pain, Blisters, Red Skin COD Available -10%
Also known as Rhus Tox, RtPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimension..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Kali Carbonicum 6 CH (11ml) : For knee complaints, Joint pains, Hot flushes, cramps, back pain, worms COD Available -5%
Also known as Kali CarbPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions 2..
₹ 135 ₹ 128
Dr. Reckeweg Acid Formicum 6 CH (11ml) : Muscular pains, varicose veins, Nephritis, Tremors, skin eczema COD Available -5%
Also known as Acid FormicPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions..
₹ 135 ₹ 128
Dr. Reckeweg Corallium Rubrum 30 CH (11ml) : For cough, red colored eruption, post nasal catarrh, ulcers, wrist pain COD Available -5%
Also known as Corallium RubPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensi..
₹ 145 ₹ 138
Dr. Reckeweg Raphanus Sativus 30 CH (11ml) : Relieves gas pains after surgeries, sore throat, Frequent sneezing COD Available -5%
Also known as Raphanus SatPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensio..
₹ 135 ₹ 128
Dr. Reckeweg Calendula Officinalis 6 CH (11ml) : After Injuries, Joint pains, Mouth ulcers, Bleeding, Keloids, Wounds COD Available -10%
Also known as Calendula OffPropertiesPotency 6 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensio..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
Dr. Reckeweg Veratrum Viride 30 CH (11ml) : For Amenorrhoea, Convulsions, Headache, Lung Affections, Sunstroke, Prostration COD Available -10%
Also known as Verat VirPropertiesPotency 30 CHForm LiquidWeight 40 (gms)Dimensions ..
₹ 125 ₹ 113
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